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Yolande Robinson, Christchurch

"...Just wanted you to know that since Gizmo has started on the Ultra food, his coat has dramatically improved. He has twice as much energy. He seems far more satisfied and not constantly looking for food. We think your service and product is fabulous! Many thanks"


I have been using Ultra Feeds Adult Minis for my 3 Golden Retrievers for several years and they are so healthy, active and happy that I will continue using these products for them. The 11 year old is also on the Joint Supplement and is full of life and sometimes plays like a puppy. We recently had her health check with her Vet, full blood screen, liver, kidneys tests among others, and a chest X-ray, she came through with flying colours, everything normal.

Two years ago one of the younger dogs caught and ate some rabbit bones which caused a blockage in her bowel. The Veterinary Surgeon told me post surgery, “that she had the healthiest bowel he had ever seen in a dog”.
One of the things I especially like about Ultra Feeds is that the dogs don’t smell. You would think with 3 big, hairy dogs in the house it would smell a bit “doggy”, but it doesn’t. Also their faeces are well formed and no unpleasant smell.
I guess that says it all. I have three beautiful, shiny coated, smiling, happy dogs, thanks largely to Ultra Feeds Dog food. I recommend these products unreservedly.

Yolande Robinson, Christchurch

Lance Neal

Pebbles is a highly intelligent girl and only likes good food!

Name: Pebbles

Debbie Larsen - Sea wolf kennels

This is a photo of 2 of my 7 Alaskan Malamutes that besides the occasional canon bone, thrive on Ultra dog food. We have been feeding all our dogs with Ultra for at least the last six years and swear by it. We never have fleas, something our Vet is amazed by, & besides brushing, they never need bathing. We put that down to the natural ingredients in there food which keeps their coats in such great condition, we have trouble convincing some people that our dogs aren’t bathed! The grey Malamute is 2 1/2 &anb; the sable Malamute is coming up 9, hard to believe the age difference don't you think! Thanks Ultra Pet Foods, keep up this great product, my dogs just love it.......

Names: Sheeba & Herne | Ages: Sheeba - 2 1/2 yrs, Herne - 9yrs


Name: Zoe | Age: 3 1/2 years Zoe is a bearded collie cross. Retrieved from the Levin SPCA as a 9 month old who had led a fairly rough life. No more! Now she's an ULTRA dog. We're sure Zoe is the dog Linley Dodds was thinking of when she dreamed up "Hairy Maclary". Zoe is walked twice a day and it's a rare day that she's not greeted as "Hairy" by youngsters and their parents. After trying her on a range of dog foods (including the high priced ones) we were advised to try ULTRA by her then boarding motel. She has not looked back! She's very active, only just smells like a dog and her doo doo's are firm and easy to handle (by plastic bag , that is)!

Name: Zoe | Age: 3 1/2 years

Floyd Sebastian Montenegro

Hi, I'm Floyd, and I'm an American Rottweiler (the longer legged slimmer version!). I have one 20mth old human brother who is a bit confused and thinks I'm a I get ridden often...luckily I'm very placid. I also have one feline sister who loves me dearly, and shows it by hissing and spitting at me! My favourite pastime is Eating! My Mum and Dad have only just found out about Ultra, and have yet to try it, but because of all of the great comments, I think I'm about to get some this week! Yippee, Can't wait!

Name: Floyd Sebastian Montenegro | Age: 6 years old

Karen de Wit

Our dogs got introduced to Ultra after I attended a Book launch in Upper Hutt and won the Raffle donated by Ultra pet foods! I liked the fact that the food was made in NZ (I support NZ-made!), that it was made with quality ingredients and that it is reasonably priced. Also the dogs love it! With 4 dogs you can imagine that the feeding bill could be quite high! Our dogs do agility and they continue to perform to high standards on Ultra.

Name: Moss, Tana, C, Ascki

Ken & Jenny Harris

We have been feeding our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with your product for about a year now and he has always liked it and done well on it. The improvements made in April seem to have made it agree with him even more , and he certainly is thriving. He has one meal a day (breakfast), and occasionally at other times. Your delivery service, and price, are excellent. Best Regards,

Christine O'Riley and Ernie.

Ernie has allergies and serious Hip Displaysia in both hips and . We owned his litter mate Kassa who died from jaw cancer at the age of three. He came to live with us 2 months after Kassa died when his family went back to Singapore. After loosing a young dog to cancer we became concerned about additives in dog food, and want a natural premium dog food for Ernie. We also want to support N.Z. made which we believe is superior.When I first tried Ernie on Ultra, I hadn't realised how good it was.Ernie has been sensitive to dry food all his life. Since using Ultra he hasn't had any itchy problems.

Name: Ernie | Age: 4 years

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    New Zealand Made Premium Quality Dry Dog Food Online